Support Services

Congreso de Latinos Unidos Support

Congreso is here to serve and support you and your families. Congreso de Latinos Unidos is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization with a mission to enable individuals and families in predominantly Latino neighborhoods to achieve economic self-sufficiency and well-being. For more information follow on social media @congreso1977, email, or call us at 215-763-8870.

Congreso offers bilingual support services in the areas of:

Title I

Pan American Academy Charter School has a school-wide Title I program. Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) provides financial assistance to states and school districts to meet the needs of educationally at-risk students.

The goal of Title I is to provide extra instructional services and activities which support students identified as failing or most at risk of failing the state’s challenging performance standards in mathematics, reading, and writing.

For federal Right to Know documentation, view PANAM Title I.

What will Title I do for my child?
The Title I program will provide students with extra educational assistance beyond the regular classroom.
Which schools does Title I serve?
The program serves students in our lower, middle, and upper schools who have demonstrated that extra assistance is needed.
How does our school receive Title I money?
First, the federal government provides funding to each state. Then, each State Educational Agency sends money to its school districts. How much money our school receives is determined by the number of low-income students enrolled in our school.
Who qualifies for the Title I program?
Pan American Academy Charter School, a PA Charter School has a school-wide Title I Program. Students do NOT have to be from low-income families to receive Title I services. We set goals for improving the skills of educationally disadvantaged students at our school and supplement regular classroom instruction.
What do Title I programs generally offer?
  • Smaller classes or special instructional spaces
  • Additional specialty teachers and aides
  • Opportunities for professional development for school staff
  • Extra time for teaching Title I students the skills they need
  • A variety of supplementary teaching methods
  • Additional teaching materials which supplement a student’s regular instruction

We need you! Research shows that how well students do in school depends a great deal upon how much their parents/guardians get involved in their education.

How can I become more involved?
  • Monitor homework and grades
  • Attend parent-teacher conferences
  • Support school extra-curricular activities and sports
  • Volunteer at the school
  • Communicate with your child’s teacher regularly by writing notes, email, or by phone
  • Keep your child’s teacher informed about events in his or her life which may affect performance at school
  • Reinforce to your child that a good education will improve his or her future and that is truly why we are all here

McKinney-Vento Act

The McKinney-Vento Act frequently provides services and support for individuals and families living in any of the following situations:

Please contact our McKinney-Vento liaison at 215-425-1212 to find out what services and supports may be available.