Pan American Academy Charter is a participant of the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). NSLP is a federally assisted meal program operating in public and nonprofit private schools and residential childcare institutions. Pan American’s meal provider, Whitson’s Culinary Group, is committed to making positive difference with its Simply Rooted® philosophy of wholesome foods, strong family values and personalized service. All enrolled students are eligible to receive a nutritional breakfast and lunch each school day. Our students are able to participate in these meal programs without paying a fee or submitting an application.
Pan American Academy Charter is a participant of the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP), a federally assisted program that provides free fresh fruits and vegetables to children during the school day. The goal of the FFVP is to introduce children to fresh fruits and vegetables, to include new and different varieties, and to increase overall acceptance and consumption of fresh, unprocessed produce among children. The FFVP also encourages healthier school environments by promoting nutrition education.
“Students at elementary schools participating in USDA’s Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program consumed 15 percent more fruits and vegetables, based on an agriculture department study.”
Here at Pan American Academy Charter School we strive for the safest environment for all students. In order to do that we must strictly adhere to a PEANUT/NUT FREE SCHOOL. No student or staff member should ever bring peanuts/nuts or peanut/nut-containing items into our school building. Click below to learn more about Whitson’s Culinary Group’s dietary needs information.