PSSA Letter to Parents

May 14, 2021

Dear Pan American Families,

The U.S. Departmentof Education and the Pennsylvania Department of Education are requiring all school districts to administer PSSA testing for all students for the 2020-2021 school year. This letter contains important information about testing dates, schedules and safety protocols. Please review the information carefully in preparation for test administration.

Testing Schedule Key Dates and Times

All students in grades 3-8 will participate in PSSA testing according to the following schedule:

Schedule Changes

In order to maintain physical distancing procedures, the following scheduling changes are necessary.

Health and Safety Protocols

The following health and safety protocols are in place and will be strictly enforced throughout the PSSA testing window. The commonwealth’s Universal Masking Order remains in place. All students and staff must wear a mask covering their nose and mouth at all times. Desks will be spaced a minimum of five feet apart, more wherever possible. Students will be asked to maintain six feet of physical distancing at all other times. Breakfast and lunch will be provided and eaten in the classroom. Breaks will be offered throughout the day. Students will remain in their seats within the classroom at all times.

Modified Student Uniform

We are currently allowing students to wear a modified school uniform. Students taking the PSSA are permitted to wear navy blue pants, skirt or jumper (no jeans), plain white polo shirt, plain blue sweater, navy socks and black shoes (no open toe shoes,wedges, heels and/or sandals). Classrooms may be cool, please be sure to bring a sweater.

Arrival and Dismissal

All students are expected to arrive at school by 8 AM. Upon arrival, in-person students will report to their classrooms. Virtual students attending school in person for the purpose of participating in PSSA testing, will check in in the cafeteria and receive their testing room location. Students will report to that location and remain there for the duration of the day.

Dismissal for 3rd and 4th grade students will take place from the schoolyard or the Annex in case of inclement weather. Students in grades 5-8 will be dismissed through the American Street gate at 2:50 PM. Please make arrangements to drop off and pick up your student(s) promptly at these times.


Eligible bus students in grades 3-6 have been contacted by the main office. Students who opted into yellow bus transportation will be roasted onto a bus route and that information will be communicated via telephone.

All Middle School students who are eligible for transportation, will be eligible for transportation during PSSA testing. Virtual students can pick up their transpass for the week of May 24th on Tuesday, May 18th or Thursday, May 20th during meal distribution times; 4-6PM. If you have opted into the School District of Philadelphia’s Flat Rate Pilot Program, your student is no longer eligible for transportation services and you are responsible for getting your student to and from school.

Preparing for Test Days and Important Reminders

Please review this letter with your student in preparation for the test days. All students should bring a fully charged iPad to school with them daily. A limited number of chargers will be available for student use.

If you have any questions about the information provided in this message, please reach out to the Main Office by calling (215) 425-1212.

Thank you for your continued assistance,
Mrs. Yolanda Cooper, Principal
Ms. Mercedes Mason, Assistant Principal
Mr. David Shemaria, Assistant Principal
Ms. Kelly Blocker, Director of Analytics and Accountability