November Family Newsletter

November 1, 2021

Principal Corner

Hello Pan American families!

Can you believe it is just about November? I have a couple of reminders for you about our health and safety protocols. We continue to wear masks, physical distance and disinfect and sanitize daily. Also, please make sure you are completing the wellness screener on School Pass daily. 

Please note that while we love to celebrate different events at Pan American, we are not allowing any food, snacks, or sweet treats for celebrations in classrooms.

The Transport Workers Union Local 234 and Septa have reached an agreement. Pan American Academy will continue with our current in-person schedule.

November is homelessness awareness month. There are many events planned for the month. Be sure to check the link in this newsletter and continue checking the cheetah newsflash weekly for updates.

Stay well!

Esquina de la Principal

¡Hola familias de Pan American!

¿Pueden creer que ya casi estamos en el mes de noviembre? Tengo unos recordatorios para ustedes sobre nuestros protocolos de salud y seguridad. Seguimos usando mascarillas, distancia física y desinfectando diariamente. También, favor asegúrese de que usted está completando el chequeo de bienestar en School Pass diariamente. 

Por favor, tenga en cuenta que aunque nos encanta celebrar diferentes eventos en Pan American, no estamos permitiendo ningún tipo de comida, bocadillos o dulce para las celebraciones en las aulas.

El Sindicato de Trabajadores del Transporte Local 234 y Septa han llegado a un acuerdo. Pan American Academy continuará con nuestro actual horario en persona.

Noviembre es el mes de la concientización sobre las personas sin hogar. Hay muchos eventos planeados para el mes. Asegúrese de revisar el enlace en este boletín y continúe revisando el cheetah newsflash semanalmente para las actualizaciones.

¡Mantengase bien!

Parent Concern Form

Pan American Academy Charter School is committed to maintaining strong partnerships and open dialogue between its teachers and staff and our students and their families. If you have a concern about a school policy, academic grade, discipline decision, or anything else, we welcome your input and encourage you to complete this form. While we would love to meet with you, we are unable to do so without an appointment. We respond to parent concern forms within 1-2 days of submission.

Pan American Academy Charter School se compromete a mantener asociaciones sólidas y un diálogo abierto entre sus maestros y personal y nuestros estudiantes y sus familias. Si tiene alguna inquietud sobre una política escolar, calificación académica, decisión de disciplina o cualquier otra cosa, agradecemos sus comentarios y lo alentamos a completar este formulario. Si bien nos encantaría reunirnos con usted, no podemos hacerlo sin una cita. Respondemos a los formularios de inquietud de los padres dentro de 1-2 días posteriores a la presentación.

Don’t Forget to Vote

Municipal elections are Nov. 2. Local politics can sometimes have the biggest impact on our daily lives, particularly decisions that are made by your local school board.

Depending on where you live, there will be multiple candidates and races to vote on.

Registered voters can find their polling place by clicking the link below. If this is your first time voting as a registered voter, it’s a good idea to bring identification with you.

Polls are open Tuesday, Nov. 2 from 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Put your vote to work for you and your family. Vote for leaders that support your charter school choice!

Office Updates

Office Manager: Jeanette Rivera

Important Links